  • Texcare Industrial Textile Specialists
  • 2019
Rooftop Solar PV
  • Grid-Tied
  • Critical UPS Design
  • Generator Co-generation

Industrial Facility reducing monthly  operational expense and safeguarding against business interruption

For Texcare to legally install Solar PV on the factory roof, we assisted in getting the premises up to code for the property owner. Although this process took significant time and effort, we managed to legally register Texcare for SSEG with COTC. Texcare has the right to export excess energy.

During power outages, the solar PV co-generates, in a carefully controlled fashion with a diesel generator.

The solar PV system outperformed the expectation and we subsequently installed renewable energy at 2 other premises for the same client.

Current impact / stats


Engineering Designs Done


Equivalent Trees Planted


kWh Generated

Start your journey to ZERO carbon emissions by 2050

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